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Sticks & Stones The Blog

Breath is Life: The Magic of Breath in Witchcraft

Breath is Life: The Magic of Breath in Witchcraft

When we talk about magic and witchcraft, we often hear the phrase "words are power." I mean I wrote a whole book on words of power! We know that the words we choose hold meaning and intention, capable of shaping our reality and influencing the world around us. But there's something more fundamental at play: the breath that carries those words. Breath is life, and in the realm of magic, it is the very force that brings our intentions to life. I had an enlightening conversation with Stella Witch of the Moon, or the "Beige Witch" as I will now...

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Magical Waters Part Five

Magical Waters Part Five

Spring Water, with its purity and life-giving properties, is a powerful and versatile tool in folk witchcraft. As Imbolc approaches in the Southern Hemisphere, harnessing the energy of Spring Water can enhance your rituals, promote healing, and support new beginnings. Whether used for cleansing, blessing, manifestation, or connecting with nature spirits, Spring Water embodies the essence of renewal and transformation.

By collecting and using Spring Water with respect and intention, you can align yourself with the natural cycles of the earth and embrace the revitalising energy of spring. Honour the traditions of folk witchcraft and the sacred elements that support your magical workings, and let the flowing energy of Spring Water guide you towards a season of growth, healing, and new beginnings.

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Not All Witches Blow Cinnamon On The First Of The Month

Not All Witches Blow Cinnamon On The First Of The Month

Not All Witches Blow Cinnamon: The New Moon Alternative In the world of witchcraft, it's easy to get caught up in popular practices that dominate social media and communal gatherings. One such practice is blowing cinnamon through your front door on the first of each month to invite abundance and prosperity. While this ritual works for many, prior to Tiktok, its not something I had ever heard of in my folk magic circles. It's important to remember that not all witches follow the same path so I am not even sure where this practice originated. But did you know that...

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Magical Waters - Part Four

Magical Waters - Part Four

River Water, with its flowing and ever-changing nature, is a powerful and versatile tool in folk witchcraft. By understanding its properties and applications, you can harness its energy for transformation, purification, protection, and more. Whether used in rituals, spells, or daily practices, River Water connects you to the dynamic and life-giving force of nature, helping you to navigate the currents of life with grace and strength.

Through ethical collection and respectful practices, we honour the traditions of folk witchcraft and the natural elements that support our magical workings. Embrace the flow of the river and let its energy guide you in your magical journey.

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Not All Witches Follow the Wheel of the Year

Not All Witches Follow the Wheel of the Year

While the Wheel of the Year is a popular framework for seasonal celebrations within Wicca and many modern pagan paths, it is not the only way to mark the cycles of nature. Different traditions have their own unique ways of honoring the seasons, each with its own rich history and cultural significance. By understanding and respecting this diversity, we can appreciate the many ways in which witches and practitioners connect with the natural world and celebrate the rhythms of life. Not all witches follow the Wheel of the Year, and that's a testament to the rich, multifaceted nature of witchcraft and paganism.

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