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Sticks & Stones The Blog



Witchcraft, an ancient practice woven into contemporary culture, delves into the realms of magic, energy, and intention. On platforms like Witchtok and within various Witch Groups, discussions primarily revolve around spells, rituals, and occult knowledge. However, a topic that often remains in the shadows is the profound impact mental health can have on the efficacy and safety of magical practices. Before we delve deeper, it's crucial to highlight that while this discussion touches on the correlation between mental states and magic, I am not a mental health professional. This exploration aims to shed light on how negative mental states, such...

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The Sacred Art of Closure in Witchcraft Spells: Honouring Completion and Ethical Practice

The Sacred Art of Closure in Witchcraft Spells: Honouring Completion and Ethical Practice

Introduction: In witchcraft, the conclusion of a spell holds profound significance. Closure isn’t merely the final step; it’s the ethical finale that ensures the success and integrity of your magical practice. As you navigate the journey of spellcasting, understanding the essence of closure becomes pivotal. It's a culmination that not only marks the end of a ritual but also shapes the ethical landscape of your magical endeavours. Expressing Gratitude to Entities: At the conclusion of your spellwork, the act of expressing gratitude stands as a cornerstone. Whether you’ve invoked deities, spirits, or other entities, acknowledging their presence and assistance is...

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The Witch's Dilemma: 10 Things We Secretly Despise About Practicing Witchcraft

The Witch's Dilemma: 10 Things We Secretly Despise About Practicing Witchcraft

In a world that increasingly values spirituality and alternative practices, the life of a witch may seem enchanting and mysterious to many. However, beneath the surface of cauldrons and spell books lie aspects of witchcraft that many practitioners may secretly loathe. Let's delve into the unspoken struggles and quirky inconveniences that witches face but seldom admit. Sleeping with an Uncomfortable Array of Crystals and Baggies One of the charming aspects of witchcraft is the use of crystals, herbs, and enchanted items for various purposes, including enhancing sleep and dreams. However, the reality is that sleeping with an assortment of rocks...

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Honouring Our Ancestors: A Universal Practice of Gratitude and Reverence

Honouring Our Ancestors: A Universal Practice of Gratitude and Reverence

The practice of honouring our ancestors transcends time and borders, deeply entrenched in diverse cultures worldwide. It's a profound way of acknowledging the legacy of those who walked before us, paving the intricate paths that led to our existence. Ancestors encompass more than blood relations; they embody the spiritual and cultural forebears whose essence resonates within us. Ancestral Veneration Across Cultures Within the rich tapestry of human history, the practices of venerating ancestors manifest uniquely across cultures. These practices, steeped in tradition and belief systems, resonate through generations, fostering a sense of continuity and reverence. Offerings: A Symbolic Gesture of...

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Hair Braiding in Magic

Hair Braiding in Magic

Hair braiding is a powerful symbol in many cultures and traditions around the world. From intricate cornrows to simple braids, hair braiding has been used for centuries to express identity, creativity, and spirituality. In folk witchcraft, hair braiding is a powerful tool for connecting with your inner self, your ancestors, and the natural world. In this blog, we will explore how to incorporate hair braiding into your folk witchcraft practice. The first step in using hair braiding in your folk witchcraft practice is to set an intention. What do you want to achieve through braiding your hair? Do you want...

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