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Unmasking False Elders: The Evil Eye and Spiritual Manipulation

The concept of the evil eye, believed in by many cultures, suggests that certain individuals can cast harmful energy or ill will onto others through an envious or malicious gaze. This curse is said to cause various forms of misfortune, including illness and emotional distress. Some traditions also claim that physical symptoms may manifest, such as headaches, fatigue, or digestive issues, all attributed to the evil eye. While this belief is deeply rooted in folklore and spirituality, the suggestion that physical deformities, such as a droopy eye or facial asymmetry, are the result of the evil eye crosses into harmful territory.

Associating physical traits with a supernatural curse perpetuates misinformation and introduces a form of physical feature shaming disguised as spiritual guidance. By linking natural features to the evil eye, spiritual manipulation occurs, which can hinder an individual’s well-being and their understanding of both health and spirituality.

Common Beliefs About the Evil Eye

Many cultures believe the evil eye brings a range of symptoms, often vague and difficult to diagnose. These include unexplained fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and emotional instability. While these symptoms are common and easily attributable to stress, lack of sleep, or dehydration, traditional beliefs often interpret them through a spiritual lens. People seek cures and protection through rituals, amulets, and talismans, such as the blue eye charm or Hamsa hand.

In some cases, spiritual leaders go a step further, attributing specific physical characteristics—such as facial asymmetry or a drooping eyelid—to the evil eye. This is where misinformation can become harmful. The idea that these traits are linked to a curse is not only scientifically inaccurate but also stigmatising, turning natural physical diversity into something to be feared or corrected.

The Problem with Misinformation

The attribution of physical features to the evil eye perpetuates dangerous misinformation. I have not been able to find any research medical or spiritual that links physical deformities or characteristics to curses or spiritual forces. Conditions like ptosis (a drooping eyelid) or facial asymmetry are medical issues that may arise from a variety of causes, including genetics or nerve damage, none of which are influenced by supernatural forces.

When spiritual leaders promote the idea that these features result from a curse, they discourage individuals from seeking appropriate medical care. This misdirection can lead to untreated conditions or anxiety, as individuals may delay or avoid seeing a healthcare professional, believing they need spiritual remedies instead. For example, headaches or dizziness could indicate serious underlying health conditions, but if attributed to the evil eye, they might go unaddressed, risking long-term consequences and mass hysteria. 

Spiritual guidance should support holistic well-being, including proper medical attention when needed. Encouraging people to view physical traits as signs of a curse diverts them from seeking effective solutions and may result in prolonged suffering.

Spiritual Manipulation and Physical Feature Shaming

The claim that physical features are tied to the evil eye is a form of spiritual manipulation. It exploits the belief in curses to make people feel self-conscious about their natural appearance, turning what is often a harmless or medically explainable condition into something feared. This approach is damaging, as it implies that an individual’s appearance reflects their spiritual state or worth.

Physical feature shaming under the guise of spiritual advice is a subtle yet harmful practice. By framing physical traits as evidence of a curse, those offering this guidance create a negative association between appearance and spiritual health. This reinforces harmful social standards about how one should look, contributing to self-esteem issues and feelings of inadequacy.

For those already struggling with body image or physical insecurities, this type of spiritual manipulation can be especially harmful especially when it is heard from the mouths of people they trust and believe to be experienced elder Witches. Instead of fostering self-acceptance and confidence, it deepens insecurities by suggesting that their physical traits are not only undesirable but also spiritually compromised. This further isolates individuals, creating a reliance on those perpetuating these beliefs for validation and “cures.”

The Power Dynamics Behind Misdirection

Spiritual manipulation, one particular event we have seen recently that circles around the evil eye, often arises from a desire to maintain control over others. Those promoting the idea that physical features are the result of spiritual affliction often do so to assert authority and maintain their influence within a spiritual community. By instilling fear around physical traits, they create a dependency on their guidance, keeping individuals coming back for more advice or spiritual remedies.

This misdirection diverts followers from true spiritual growth, keeping them trapped in a cycle of fear and dependence. Instead of learning about the deeper aspects of spirituality, personal empowerment, or holistic health, individuals are led to focus on superficial traits as signs of spiritual danger. This limits their ability to develop an authentic connection to their spirituality, instead keeping them focused on external appearances.

In truth, spiritual growth should center around self-discovery, resilience, and the nurturing of both the physical and spiritual self. When elders or experienced witches offer guidance based on fear of the evil eye, they are pushing a narrative that benefits their own authority, not the individual’s development.

Research Disproves These Claims

Research into the evil eye and its supposed effects shows no evidence that physical deformities or features like a droopy eye are linked to curses. While belief in the evil eye remains strong in certain cultures, scientific studies consistently demonstrate that conditions such as ptosis or asymmetry are medical in nature. They arise from physical causes like muscle weakness, nerve damage, or genetics, none of which can be influenced by a spiritual curse.

Yet, some spiritual leaders continue to perpetuate this narrative, knowingly or unknowingly. This kind of guidance is not only misleading but also a form of manipulation that prevents individuals from understanding their own health. By convincing followers that their physical traits are the result of a curse, these leaders shift the focus away from critical thinking, self-empowerment, and factual knowledge. This leaves people vulnerable, dependent on spiritual leaders for answers to problems that may have straightforward, non-spiritual solutions.

These false teachings divert attention from the real work of spiritual education, which should be about personal growth, understanding, and healing. Instead, individuals are kept in a cycle of fear and misinformation, constantly seeking external validation rather than learning how to empower themselves.

Ethical Responsibility in Spiritual Guidance

It is the responsibility of spiritual leaders and practitioners to provide guidance that promotes the well-being of the whole person. This means recognising when a physical condition requires medical attention, not just spiritual intervention. Ethical spiritual guidance does not rely on fear or manipulation but rather on compassion, understanding, and respect for individual autonomy.

True spiritual education encourages people to care for their health holistically, including their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This means advising them to seek professional medical care when necessary and not allowing superstition to interfere with sound health practices.

Practitioners who perpetuate fear-based narratives around physical features undercut their role as guides and teachers. Instead of helping individuals grow, they limit their potential and keep them dependent on external validation rather than fostering self-trust and confidence. Ethical spiritual leadership empowers individuals to understand their own worth, beyond superficial traits, and supports them in addressing both physical and spiritual challenges with compassion and wisdom.

Reclaiming Empowerment and Spiritual Clarity

Rather than focusing on external traits as signs of spiritual weakness, true spiritual empowerment comes from within. The belief in the evil eye can still serve as a reminder of the importance of protecting oneself from negativity, but it should not be linked to physical traits or features. Spiritual practices should instead promote self-love, resilience, and emotional strength.

Empowering individuals to recognize their inherent value, irrespective of physical features, fosters a healthier approach to spirituality. By teaching individuals to protect their energy and maintain personal boundaries, spiritual leaders can help people build strength against negative forces—whether they come from external sources or internal fears. This approach encourages growth, rather than feeding into insecurities about appearance or self-worth.

This recent event of focusing on physical manifestation of the evil eye as a droopy eye proves you should do your own research and not believe blindly what you hear on TikTok. 

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