The Question : I'm new to witchcraft and I see a lot of posts on social media where people are showing off their hexing abilities or trying to assert their power. Is this normal? Should I be doing the same to be taken seriously in the community?
My Answer : First of all, you can do whatever you like - its your path, your journey and no one gets to dictate what you can and can not do.
But here is my 2cents on the matter. On social media, especially within the witchcraft and occult communities, it's not uncommon to stumble upon videos or posts where individuals are showcasing their hexing prowess or asserting their supposed "power." While some might find these displays intriguing or even entertaining, for many, myself included, they often come off as nothing more than ego trips, lacking any real substance or meaning.
Let's break it down. Hexing videos or posts where someone is trying to assert dominance and power often feel like a desperate attempt to intimidate others. It's like they're saying, "Look at me, I'm so powerful, you should be scared!" But here's the thing – true power doesn't need to be flaunted or shouted from the rooftops. It's quiet, it's subtle, and it doesn't seek validation or attention.
Posting these kinds of videos is a tactic often used by narcissists. It's a way for them to boost their fragile ego by trying to make others feel small or insignificant.
But here's the truth in my opinion: real power comes from within, from knowing yourself and your craft, not from trying to intimidate or bully others. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all for sharing the beauty of our craft. If you've cast a spell that you're proud of and you want to show it off, go for it! But if your intention behind a post is purely to intimidate or instil fear in others, then maybe it's time to do some shadow work and ask yourself why you feel the need to resort to such tactics.
Witchcraft is not about flashy displays of power or trying to one-up each other. It's about connecting with the natural world, honouring the spirits, and seeking wisdom and knowledge. So let's leave the ego trips at the door and focus on what truly matters – living our craft with authenticity and humility.