Something we don't talk a lot about on Witchtok or in Witch Groups is mental health, in the sense of how your mental state effects your magic.
Now, I will preface this post with the disclaimer that I am not a mental health professional and I am not giving any advice from a medical perspective, I am simply going to be speaking on how I believe your magic can be effected by a negative mental state such as rage or distress and my personal experience within this area.
Now, we all know, magic can be a powerful tool for personal growth, spiritual development, and transformation, but it requires care and respect.
Whether you are casting light or shadow magic, it can be an intense and powerful experience, and it requires a certain level of focus, intention, and energy. It is important to approach the practice of magic with care and responsibility, and to avoid casting spells while in a state of rage or emotional distress.
One way to do this is to channel your intense emotions into an object before casting any magic spell.
Firstly, channeling your intense emotions into an object can help to diffuse the negative energy and vibrations associated with rage or emotional distress. When we are in a state of intense emotion, we are often carrying negative energy and vibrations, which can negatively impact the focus we bring to a spell. By channeling this energy into an object, we can separate ourselves from the negative vibrations and create a more focused energy for our spell.
Now, I hear you saying "what about when we want that rage to cast a hex on xx who did us so dirty?". I hear you, and I agree, yes you want that rage, but what you don't want is to have the rage clouding your mind distracting you from the task at hand. This is why channelling your energy into an object comes in, you can use that object in your working.
Think of it like the saying "never go grocery shopping when you are hungry because it causes more damage to your credit card than it does to anything else". Casting while in a state of rage can cause your spell to go off the rails or even backfire.
Secondly, channeling your emotions into an object can help to ground and center you. We can all agree that emotions such as rage or distress can be overwhelming and disorienting, and it can be difficult to maintain focus and clarity on even a task like making a cuppa, when we are experiencing them. By channeling our emotions into an object, we can create a physical anchor that can help us to ground ourselves and regain our focus and clarity.
Thirdly, on a more personal growth note, channeling your emotions into an object can help you to better understand and process your emotions. Emotions such as rage or emotional distress can be powerful and complex, and it can be difficult to understand or articulate them for most of us. By channeling these emotions into an object, we can create a tangible representation of our emotions, which can help us to better understand and process them.
Finally, channeling your emotions into an object can help you to approach the practice of magic with responsibility and awareness. When we channel our emotions into an object, we are acknowledging the power and potential consequences of our emotions and actions. This can help us to approach the practice of magic with care and respect, and to be mindful of the potential impact of our actions on ourselves and those around us.
When we cast spells, we are manipulating energies and influencing the world around us so I'll say it again, it is important to approach this responsibility with respect and caution, and to be mindful of the potential consequences of our actions. When we cast spells while in a state of rage or emotional distress, we are more likely to act impulsively and without due consideration of the consequences.
When we are in a state of emotional distress, we may be more susceptible to negative or overwhelming experiences, which can be harmful to our own well-being. It is important to prioritise our mental health and well-being, and to seek professional support and treatment when necessary.